Euro Chic/Day 21
Going on the theory that mommy’s illnesses are never so grave they put a dent in the daily social calendar, we decided to go to the beach yesterday. And it was truly, great medicine. The sunshine, the fresh air, the cool sand made me feel better almost instantly. I felt like one of those old pictures you see from Victorian England where people stricken by Tuberculosis where taken to the shore for healing. The only things missing were an old fashioned wheelchair, a plaid blanket over my legs and of course, a kind nursemaid wearing a super pointy retro nurse’s cap.
But unfortunately, old fashioned wheelchairs and tuberculosis aren’t that Euro chic and that is the land I am dwelling in this month. Euro chicers do love the beach though. They love yachts. They love pool-side service. And because a good portion of the Euro chic lifestyle is spent frolicking in gated resorts and on pristine sandy beaches, the possibilities for looking fabulous are endless.
But here’s the thing – I didn’t look that fabulous. Yes, I could’ve purchased an amazing white linen beach outfit or silk sarong to wear yesterday, but it would have taken up my whole clothing budget for the month. The point of my style experiment is to see how I feel in twelve different looks, not to have enough clothes to cover every possible occasion that might arise. What would a Euro Chicer wear to the dermatologist? What would a Euro chicer wear to a bris? What would a Euro Chicer wear for a conjugal visit at a prison? Sure, these are all fun occasions, they’re just not that cheap (with the possible exception of the prison visit).
My goal is to inspire people to find their style in a practical and thrifty manner. My goal is fashion for all. Which means the only Euro chic item I had on yesterday at the beach happened to be my watch. It is considered a key accessory in “The Lucky Guide to Mastering any Style.”
Here’s what the experts say about having a “Statement Watch.”
“A chunky, glamorous-looking watch instantly conveys style and substance. It doesn’t need to be expensive; it just has to have that rich, diver’s watch look about it – silver or gold finish, a simple black or white face, and a few extra embellishments.”
This is very exciting style news for moms everywhere. So all we have to do is buy a watch to look more fabulous? That’s great! Watches don’t bring up body issues (unless you really hate your wrist) and they have this added function of telling you what time it is without having to dig your cell phone from your purse every twenty minutes. Or like I do, pull you cell phone out of your back pocket like a miner searching for a fresh plug of chewing tobacco.
I bought my watch for sixty dollars off of Amazon. It’s got more bling than Harry Potter’s vault in Gringotts and it makes a nice clinking sound on my wrist when I drive. And it’s a lot easier to wear at the beach than this Euro chic outfit –
She’s a terrible beach volley ball partner, but a wonderful kite.
The post Euro chic secrets to healing! appeared first on My Year of Fabulous.